Using Merge's ATS API, you can now create Candidates and tie them to a specific Job Application, directly in Workday! It's a fairly straightforward POST request, with just a few nuances that will be described below.
How to use Merge's POST/Candidates
Merge currently supports sending basic Candidate information over to Workday to create a Candidate. We create a Candidate with information: First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, and Email. Once a Candidate is created, Merge has the functionality to tie them to a job, which is detailed in the next few sections!
IMPORTANT: After this Candidate has been created, you MUST resync the account, or wait for the next Workday sync to complete. Remote Data to be populated is required for POST/Applications to work.
Sample POST/Candidates Request below:
"model": {
"last_name": "Video_Test",
"first_name": "Testing_for_video",
"phone_numbers": [
"value": "9293388299",
"phone_number_type": "MOBILE"
"email_addresses": [
"value": "[email protected]",
"email_address_type": "PERSONAL"
] }
How to find a Job and Job Interview Stage
In order to tie the created Candidate to a Job Application, you will need to find the corresponding Job, as well as the starting stage for that candidate.
In order to identify that specific Job you want to tie to a Candidate, we recommend leveraging the GET/Jobs
endpoint and grabbing the specific Merge ID (UUID) for that Job Object.
In order to identify the specific Interview Stage you'd like to have the Candidate start out, you can leverage the GET/Job-Interview-Stages
endpoint and identify the specific Interview Stage relevant for this request. You will similarly grab the specific Merge ID (UUID) for that Job Interview Stage object.
How to use Merge's POST/Applications
After identifying the specific job you'd like to attach with a Candidate, you can leverage Merge's POST/Applications endpoint. The required parameters for the POST/Application endpoint is the MergeID of the Candidate, the MergeID of the Job, and the MergeID of the Interview Stage you'd like for them to start on.
Once this request is completed, the Candidate will have an active Job Application attached to them within Workday's UI, as well as a Recruiting History that's started.
Sample POST/Applications Request below:
"model": {
"job": "ef0fac05-20c1-45d4-af50-4b7a160da9b9",
"candidate": "694810f6-71ad-4cf0-946b-5d5d7544d224",
"current_stage": "552f5d67-c539-43d3-b6cd-7fc1fc45ac75"