Below are answers to frequently asked questions regarding Merge's APAC multi-tenant offering.
What is the difference between “multi-tenant” and “single tenant”?
Multi-tenant is an approach to infrastructure where a single instance of software serves multiple Organizations, or ‘tenants.’ In multi-tenant, data from an Organization is physically stored in the same server, but logically separated from each other.
In contrast, single tenancy is where one instance of a software product services only one Organization. Data for that Organization is stored on its own server, physically separated from data associated with any other Organization.
Why would I elect to use Merge’s APAC multi-tenant option?
Our APAC multi-tenant provides both a self-serve and enterprise option for organizations that wish to have their data and their End Customer’s data reside in the Asia-Pacific region.
Where is Merge’s APAC multi-tenant server hosted?
Merge APAC multi-tenant is hosted on the AWS Asia Pacific (Singapore) server.
Where is Merge’s US multi-tenant server hosted?
Merge US multi-tenant is hosted on the AWS US East (Northern Virginia), United States server.
Where do I sign up for Merge APAC multi-tenant?
You can create an account for Merge APAC Multi-Tenant at Note this is a separate URL from, and is deliberate: because of the data separation between Merge US and Merge APAC, your account is hosted in a separate server.
Where do I log in to APAC multi-tenant?
You log in at the same URL,
Do I interact with a different endpoint when using Merge APAC multi-tenant?
Yes — the base URL for all API requests through Merge APAC multi-tenant is{category-specific-URL-here}
Is there a difference between where Merge stores my data and where Merge stores my End Customer’s data?
No. If you use our APAC multi-tenant option, then your data and your End Customer’s data that your End Customer has asked you to process on their behalf will be hosted and stored in the APAC.
Some customers may need to have both US and APAC Merge accounts, depending on the preferences of their end customers regarding data residency.
If I use the APAC multi-tenant option, will my or my End Customer’s data ever be processed or stored in the US?
Generally speaking, using the Merge service with our APAC multi-tenant option enabled means your data is stored and processed in the APAC region. Except for situations when we receive express permission from you or your End Customer (i.e., for the provision of technical support), members of our team will not access your data or your End Customer’s data.
How does Merge handle technical support issues I raise about the Merge service or data?
Merge is based in The United States. If you raise a support ticket, and grant Merge permission to access your instance within the Merge APAC multi-tenant to resolve the issue, your data, and your End Customer’s data at your direction on their behalf, will be processed in the US. In this case, temporary processing will occur in the United States, but the data will not leave the AWS Singapore data center and will not be stored in the US.
Merge complies with all applicable laws in the processing of all personal data as well as in accordance with our Privacy Policy and your applicable Data Processing Agreement.
Data stored in our APAC multi-tenant CMS (content management system) includes Organization Name, Customer User Name, Customer User Email, End Customer Organization Name, and Integration Name. These data may be visible to a member of our team while providing support for a customer whose data is hosted on our APAC multi-tenant infrastructure.
What Aggregated Statistics does Merge process and store in The United States?
“Aggregated Statistics” means aggregate and anonymized data and information derived from your Data and/or your End Customer’s data.
We used Aggregated Statistics Merge for internal business purposes such as to provide, develop and improve our service, for billing reasons, system health monitoring and internal key performance indicators (KPIs) such as growth tracking and forecasting.
Aggregated Statistics will be stored and processed by Merge in The United States.
Aggregated Statistics are neither your Customer Data nor your End Customer’s data and do not consist of personal data.
Aggregated Statistics are based on the totality of your data and your End Customer’s data (e.g., such as by number of Linked Accounts or number of Common Models).
How is Merge APAC multi-tenant priced?
Merge maintains the same pricing for US multi-tenant hosted and APAC multi-tenant hosted Organizations Please refer to our pricing page for more details.
How can I verify whether I’m using Merge’s US or APAC servers?
Refer to the URL you use to sign in and access your Merge account. All accounts processed through Merge’s US multi-tenant have a base URL of All accounts with Merge’s APAC multi-tenant are in
My organization is currently registered through Merge’s US multi-tenant option, and I want to use your APAC multi-tenant option exclusively. Is there any way to migrate the members of my organization to APAC multi-tenant?
You would need to register for an Organization and re-add all relevant Organization members to your APAC Organization.
My Organization is currently registered through Merge’s US multi-tenant option, and I want to use your APAC multi-tenant option exclusively. What does the migration process look like for my linked accounts?
You will need to re-link all of your End Customers’ accounts with your new APAC multi-tenant Organization. If you have any questions, please reach out to a member of our Growth Team on Intercom for additional context.
You will also need to delete your initial account in order to ensure that data is no longer stored in the US multi-tenant
I have customers in the US and the APAC and want to provide a multi-tenant option to End Customers in both regions. How does this affect my billing plan?
You will need to create two separate Organizations to execute on this strategy. For accounts on our self-serve launch plan, you will be charged separately per Organization per month, dependent on your usage. Please reach out to a member of our Sales team if you wish to explore our enterprise plans.
Do you offer a single tenancy option?
Yes, Merge offers a single-tenancy add-on for our Enterprise plan subscribers. If you’re interested, please reach out to a member of our Sales team for more information.
Does Merge offer single or multi-tenant options in other jurisdictions?
Currently, we do not provide a multi-tenant option outside of our US, EU, and APAC locations. Our single-tenant option, available through our Enterprise plan, allows you to store your data in any AWS server location of your choice. Please contact Sales for more information.