Step 1: Create web application and enable OAuth
In your Active Azure Directory portal, navigate to App Registration
Register a new application for your Azure Entra ID Account, see below for examples
Name: any name of your choosing
Supported account types: options 2 or 3 are both valid
Accounts in any organizational directory
Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts
Redirect URI: Web
Redirect URI:
When you're done, click register!
Step 2: Saving web application values in Merge
Clicking register will take you to a new page with important info to update and save
If you have already set up your app registration you can navigate to this page via Azure Services -> App Registration
Paste the information below into your Microsoft Entra ID Integration Settings.
The Application Id above is your Client Id
The Client Credentials link should show 1 secret, this is your Client Secret
Object Id
Tenant (Directory) Id
Redirect Uri:
Step 3: Auto refreshing Entra credentials
To do this step you must be an application owner or admin.
Navigate back to Entra and in the App Registration page, click on API Permissions
Then enable Application.ReadWrite.All and Directory.ReadWrite.All.
Note: Merge will refresh your credentials automatically before it expires - the default expiration is 180 days from creation. This will prevent your Linked Accounts from disconnecting due to a expired client secret. The new description for the refreshed client secret will "Merge OAuth App Password" + <timestamp of creation date>.