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Deleted Data Detection

Deleted Data Overview

Updated over 11 months ago

What is deleted data detection?

Deleted data detection refers to how Merge detects records deleted in third-party systems within the Merge response. If a model is deleted in your customers' third-party system, Merge will update the remote_was_deleted field on the respective Common Model to true.

To view deleted records in the Merge response, you will need to set the query parameter include_deleted_data = true (the default value that does not include deleted data is false).

What is Native deleted data?

Merge provides native deleted data detection for many fields by default updated during each sync and is free for all customers. Native deleted data is possible only if it is also supported by the third-party system and coverage is limited. To detect deleted data across all Common Models, we offer Enhanced deleted data (see next section).

What is Enhanced deleted data?

Merge offers an add-on feature, that can be purchased, for annual Professional, or Enterprise plan customers that will automatically detect records deleted in third-party systems within the Merge response. The process of detecting the deleted records will run on a periodic basis of every three days.

How to set up webhooks for detecting deleted data?

Webhooks can be configured for sending instances of deleted data for a chosen data type. This webhook will be fired when a record is detected as deleted upon a resync of the Linked Account within Merge.

Please reach out to us at [email protected] to enable this feature!

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