If you are experiencing discrepancies in the aggregated financial data for your NetSuite integration, it may be that your connection doesn't have access to view all posting transaction types in your NetSuite application. Running a search to grab all types of transactions used in your NetSuite application is a great way to determine if this is indeed the case.
You have admin access to your NetSuite environment.
In your NetSuite instanced, go to Transactions -> Management -> Saved Searches -> New.
On New Saved Search Click Transactions.
On the Criteria page, go to Standard -> Filter, and Select "Type" from the dropdown.
When you get the popup to select types, select every possible type, then hit Set.
Then go to Results, and Input ONLY "Type Code" in to Columns, and select summary type = "Group".
Hit Save on the saved search.
Go to Transactions -> Management -> Saved Searches, find the saved search you just made, and clikc "View".
Transaction type codes will show up here! You can then export.