To authenticate, you will need to provide the following information:
API token
Email address
Jira domain
In Jira anyone can create the API token, but it's gonna inherit the role/group permissions of that user. Because of this we recommend that the Jira admin links the account.
Step 1: Create an API token
Go to your profile in the top right of the screen and click Manage account
A new window should open. Go to Security -> Create and manage API tokens
Create and copy your new API token. Anyone can create the API token, but it's gonna inherit the role/group permissions of that user.
Step 2: Provide your Jira domain
Enter your Jira domain and subdomain and click Submit
Step 3: Provide your email address
Enter the email address you use to log into Jira and click Submit
Step 3: Provide your API token
Lastly, enter your API token and click Submit. If you need help creating an API token, see Step 1 above.
Step 4: Email data
This step is only required if you need email addresses for your users. Navigate to Profile and visibility on the top nav bar.
Ensure all users has their email marked as visible by "Anyone"